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  • Writer's pictureHyland Heights

Growing Together At Home: Encouragers

As we continue to face changing expectations and uncertainty it is important that we continue to live out our faith as the local church. Since we are currently not meeting together to study, learn and grow, we must make this a priority as families.

Each week, you will find a new audio message, along with some corresponding Scripture readings that focus on the topic addressed in the message. You will also see a number of questions designed for you and your family to discuss together, or for you to use in personal reflection and assessment. Our desire is that your family will have an opportunity to engage together with God’s Word and examine the expectations expressed for His family.

We are discussing today the seventh of twelve simple steps that will guide us in fulfilling the church’s mission to become disciples who make disciples. Today we will examine why it is important to Grow spiritually as a collective group of Christ followers, and one of the methods by which we do that – becoming/being an encourager.





  • What are the three actions that we are to consider encouraging one another to pursue?

  • Depending on your translation, verse 24 may either use the words "stir up," or "spur" one another. What do these words mean regarding our responsibility to one another?

  • What are some ways that you can stir up one another to love and good works?

  • Why do you think being an encourager is directly related to regularly meeting together?

  • To what does verse 25 refer in order to emphasize a sense of urgency about encouraging one another? What is significant about the "Day"?

  • According to this passage, why should we be an encouragement to one another?

  • What are the dangers of having a heart hardened to sin's deceitfulness?

  • How often should we encourage each other?

  • What five actions or attitudes are presented to the believer in this verse? Take a few minutes to discuss the value and importance of each one.

It is clear that God desires and expects us to challenge one another to grow and improve in our spiritual journey together. In a way, we are supposed to get involved in one another's lives for the purpose of support, accountability, motivation, and unity.

  • What are some ways that you can be an encourager to your family, friends, neighbors, etc. during this time of social distancing?

  • How will you fulfill this responsibility to encourage once we are able to meet together again?

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