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  • Writer's pictureHyland Heights

Thank you for your generosity!

Church Family, Today we want to take a moment to say thank you to everyone in our church who generously and faithfully gives to support the work of ministry and missions at Hyland Heights. Your incredible generosity truly makes a significant impact every single week. The Tuesday after Thanksgiving has nationally been dubbed “Giving Tuesday” and is often promoted as a day to give back to organizations that you value and make a difference in your life and the lives of those you love. As we wrap up 2021, we are slightly behind our year-to-date budget (96%). We pray that as you begin to think about your year-end-giving, you will prayerfully consider how you can help us, not only to end the year well but to propel our church’s ministry and mission into 2022. Thank you for your generosity today and all year long. Lives are truly being changed, and we are so incredibly grateful for your partnership in the gospel.

To give today, go to, drop your gift in the offering boxes in the worship center, or mail your gift to 11452 Wards Rd., Rustburg, VA 24588. In Christ, Pastor Josh

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