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  • Hyland Heights Baptist


Updated: Mar 16, 2020

You might say we live in a volatile world. If you consider the Stock Market, who knows what will happen next. If you consider our Federal Government, when the House of Representatives changes hands in a few weeks no telling what will happen next. Last year at this time Debby and I were making final plans for our trip to Israel, little did we know that the day after returning from that trip our lives would be turned upside down. Many of you have similar testimonies about the uncertainties of life and we all wonder is there any place safe in the world we live in.

Deep down inside we all want a safe place to live, and a place where we know the bottom won't drop out from under us. What's bad is if people tell us that not even our salvation is safe, that we could lose it if we make the wrong move. Well let me share with you one of my favorite passages that allows us all to have a safe place. Paul said in Colossians 3:3 "For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God".

What Paul is saying is that I am safe in Christ, that in order for anything to get to me it has to go through the Son and the Father. Picture it like this. Take an object and put it in a small box. Then take that small box and put it in a larger box. Now here's the question, can you get to the object without going through the big box and the smaller box. The answer is no. Paul said you are in Christ, then he says you are in the Father. In other words you are in the safest place known to man, nothing can touch you without going through the Father and Son. When it comes to your salvation once inside Christ and the Father the only way out is also through them and that's not happening because the Father has you in the palm of His hand and as Jesus said, "No one can snatch you out of His hand".

Today no matter what the stock market does, no matter what your boss says, no matter what happens in life know that you are safe in Him. Live with confidence and peace knowing that for now and for all eternity you are safe in Him.

Please remember to pray for Roger Jones, his precious wife Peggy and the family, as Roger draws closer to going home. Remember also Roger's brother-in-law as well, Dr. Barnes, as he was told he has fluid around his heart. If you've walked in the double door entrance near the Children's Center up until a few months ago you have met Dr. Barnes, as that was his place to greet people and give out bulletins. I know these families appreciate your prayers and support.

Ladies and men, don't forget to register for Traction. If you attended last year you know the spiritual, life-changing impact Traction can have so don't miss this year. Along with that bless someone else and invite them to attend with you. If everyone brought one other person this year we'd not only fill the worship center but just imagine the impact God's Spirit will have on our church and community!

Be here Sunday,

Pastor Carl

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