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Pray Through, Not Away

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” James 1:2-3.

Have you found yourself praying that God would just deal with this virus and get rid of it? So many people are sick, so many jobs have been lost or put on hold. The economy is taking a pounding. Based on my retirement account, I will have to work until I’m about 80. Ha! I, like you, have asked God why He has allowed this to happen. But over time, my question has gone from why to what. God, what are you wanting to do in me and through me during this time? What are you wanting to do in and through Hyland Heights during this time of doing ministry differently?

I love the book of James! Such great practical truths for everyday living. I have read and re-read the above verse from James multiple times. What does it mean to consider it PURE joy when we face trials? There’s happy, then there’s joy, then there’s pure joy. I can be happy and not have joy. I don’t have to be happy to have joy. And pure joy is the joy we have in the Lord regardless of the circumstances around us. How can we have joy in a time like this you ask? Because we know times like these produce perseverance. James does not say that the experience will be an easy journey or there will be lots of happiness and joy, but the result of the experience is worth the journey. We will be stronger in our faith and we will have greater perseverance. So, when we face trials, consider it pure joy because of what the trial produces.

So how are you praying? Are you asking God to REMOVE the trial or are you asking Him to WORK through the trial? Hopefully, you are praying through the trial and not praying it away. I encourage today, don’t pray away the trial. Ask God to show you what He wants you to learn during this time. What does He want to do in and through you during this trial? Take advantage of this time knowing that God wants to see you grow in your faith. He wants to see you develop perseverance for the next trial that comes your way. He loves you. He wants what is best for you. He does not allow trials to happen TO you, He allows them to happen FOR you.

Love you and praying for you, church!

See you soon!

Tim Fus

Worship Pastor

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