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Stay The Course

How’s everyone doing? Are you adjusting to a new way of life? I know for my family it has been interesting and exciting, sort of. Ha! It’s hard enough to make changes to our schedule and the way we do life when we do it on our own, but when we are “forced” to make the changes, well, we sometimes go kicking and screaming.

For the Church, the mission has been and will always be the same. But the methods need to change as society and culture changes. Could you imagine what it would have been like if the virus happened 20 years ago? No internet, no Zoom calls, no cell phones, etc. WOW! I guess we would have just shut down ministry, right?? Just like today with all the “things” we have at our disposal, the Church would have found a way. The CHURCH, you and I, not our programs or events, but you and I must find a way to continue the mission. We must stay the course.

In Acts chapter 16 we see that Paul and Silas were arrested, beaten and flogged severely, and then thrown into the deepest part of the prison with their feet in shackles. Now, the Bible doesn’t tell us this, but after being beaten and flogged, it probably took them some time to get back to their senses. The Word says that about midnight that Paul and Silas were praying and singing. Regardless of their circumstances, they were committed to the mission. Was it how they had been doing ministry before? Not at all. But they did what they could from where they were. So it is with us.

Hopefully none of you consider being confined to your home the same as being in prison. If so, we have a great counselling center here at the church that I would encourage you to take advantage of. LOL! Who knows, we might all need it by the time June 10th rolls around. Anyway, back on track. Even though we are confined to our home, the mission is still the same. The mission was never about events or programs, but about people. We must stay the course. We must be on mission.

What are doing to stay the course? How are you going about carrying out the mission of the Church? God has given us a great opportunity to be even more of a light in our communities. Let’s take advantage of this time to be there for, and minister to, our neighbors. We would love to hear what you are doing in your communities to be the hands and feet of Christ to your neighbors. Take the time to send us a message or respond to this post.

I would like to give you a few ideas of what can be done and what might already be happening. A while back Dr. Wheeler shared with us about the Bless Every Home initiative. This is something that is still available to you to utilize in praying for your neighbors. Click on the link below to get started. Let me know if you have any questions. I’d be glad to help you.

Also, there is an app for connecting with neighbors. It’s called, Neighbor. Download it and get setup for notifications and messages from your community. Great way to stay in touch with neighbors and get the word out that you are willing to help with and pray for any needs they may have.

Another idea would be to be setup a neighborhood Facebook group. You can manage the group by asking others to share needs and prayer requests. You can also send out words of encouragement.

Go for a prayer walk. As you are walking around your neighborhood, you can be praying for each house as you walk by. This works well with the information you receive from the Bless Every Home daily prayer email.

Cut your neighbors grass, rake their leaves, and so on. There are so many things that can be done for our neighbors during this time.

I encourage you to focus on what can be done, not on what we can’t do. Situations and circumstances have always changed through the ages. God has always been moving and working in the midst of it, and now is no different. We must pursue the mission, His mission, and we must stay the course.

Love you all and praying for you!

Tim Fus

Pastor of Worship Ministries

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