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  • Hyland Heights Baptist

This Day

Updated: Mar 16, 2020

How often have you said, "This is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it"? Probably many times. As I was reading this morning I came across this statement, "Each day we have is a gift not a right." I know I don't often think about my day like that, but after the events of 2018 I can tell you that's been changing. To wake up and be alive is still an amazing gift of God. To take the time to enjoy the day, even when it's grueling, when others are trying to pull you down, when work is burdensome, or when the car battery goes dead.

Someone also said, "Rather than being impatient, we need to learn to love the journey we are on more than the point of arrival; to learn to embrace trust rather than control". So many times we are so busy focused on the destination, that we forget to see the sites around us. It would be like going on vacation to Colorado and all the time you're driving you forget to see the sights along the way. Take time today to see what's around you.

It is not easy to choose to smile and enjoy each day, but as we remember that it's God's gift to us I think it will make it a little easier to do just that. Today is the day He has made so take time to enjoy and rejoice in it.

Hey folks don't forget even with a forecast of a little snow Traction marches on. Whatever you do ladies, don't miss this spiritual experience. Your soul will be nourished and blessed. And by the way, pray for the snow to hold off until Sunday afternoon or night. And speaking of this Sunday--we will have Life Groups and children's Sunday school classes at 9:30 and then just one worship service at 10:55. Ginny Owens and Mia Koehne will be with us this Sunday, so we'll all be together to participate in one service.

I'll see you tonight as I continue my teaching in Colossians 3. Don't forget we have studies for men, women, child and students happening tonight as well. Today last day for Lottie Moon post office. Please check your box tonight, because tomorrow the contents will be removed from the Upper Lobby.

Smile, God still loves you,

Pastor Carl

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