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Weekly Celebration - Oct. 9

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Does it seem to anyone else like their phone is repeatedly shouting at them, dinging, buzzing, and constantly trying to get their attention? The truth is, I have to turn many of my apps off to keep from being distracted all the time. (Though the HHBC app is one I always leave notifications of for!)

Why the need to tune so much out? Because the constant buzzing, dinging, and notifications are a distraction. They say, “look here,” with the threat that not doing so means we are missing something incredible. There is even a psychological diagnosis for this called FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). It’s where the compulsion to look at our screens has driven us to the point that we can’t put them down. All the while, as we gaze at the ambient light coming from our 3 by 6 inch box, we miss a brighter and better light that is truly able to fill us with unceasing joy and life everlasting.

In a world full of distractions, The author of Hebrews put it this way:

“Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every hindrance and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, 2 keeping our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. For the joy that lay before him, he endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:1-2)

In a world full of distractions, let’s keep our eyes on Jesus. Below you will find some celebrations of what Jesus is doing here at HHBC, as well as our weekly financial update.

Missions Focus: On Sunday, October 18th, we will have Dr. Greg Wilton with us. Greg is the new Director for International and Refugee Ministry with the North American Mission Board and Send Relief. Greg will be one of our HHBC missions partners for 2021. Make sure to join us for an exciting Sunday on the 18th and begin praying for what you and your family might be led to give on October 25th for our Fall Missions Offering. Remember that this Fall, 40% of your gift will go to IMB missionaries, 20% to NAMB missionaries, 20% to HHBC supported missionaries, and 20% to begin a missions scholarship so we can send more of HHBC onto the mission field than ever before!

If you would like to give early, you can do so by going to, follow the giving link and select missions month from the drop down menu. Thank you for prayerfully and generously giving to HHBC and to our Fall Mission Offering.

Teacher of the Week:

This week we kicked-off praying for a teacher-of-the-week from Yellow Branch Elementary School. Why Yellow Branch? Because this school year, YBES is one of our missions partners and a way for our church family to share and show the love of Jesus to our community. Keep watching our social media for our next teacher-of-the-week!

Fall Family Fun! – The Fall Fun Fest will look a different this year due to Covid-19 restrictions and precautions.  We’ve changed the name to Fall Fun Night and it will take place on Friday night October 30 from 5:00 – 8:30 PM.  The entire event will take place on our soccer field. The event will feature small carnival games, such as the ring toss, basketball shoot, soccer darts, and many others.  At 6:45 we will begin a family movie on the lawn, so bring your camping chairs to pull up a seat.

Movie-type concessions are available for you to purchase as well as s’more kits to enjoy at one of our fire pits. You can also participate in our silent auction to win some great items and support our 2021 children’s summer camp in the process.

To make our Fall Fun Night as successful as possible, here are a few ways you can help:  1) Pray for clear skies, a safe event, and for us to connect to those new to HHBC. 2) Bring bags of candy, a cake for the cake-walk, sign-up to help run one of the games, and/or donate an item for the silent auction.  You can follow the link below to let us know how you can serve: Please email Pastor Mike at if you have any questions.

HHBC Weekly Financials:

Oct. 5th Weekly Offering: $32,526.09

Weekly Budget: $33,228.00

As of October 5th, we have received 104% of our year-to-date budget.

Please remember that giving in worship will continue to look different as long as Covid-19 persists. We will not pass the plates for your safety, but will have offering baskets where you can give as you exit the worship center following whichever service you attend. For many, we know that you have started to give online, and this continues to be an excellent choice to make giving easier/safer for you and to make sure that the ministry and mission of HHBC continues to impact more lives in the weeks to come. If you would like to give to Hyland Heights online, simply go to

Sunday Reminders: HHBC continues to strive to keep our church family safe during the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. We continue to encourage everyone to take the precautions you would take when entering into any other building. If doing things like social distancing, washing hands well, and wearing masks can help us love our neighbors better and avoid potential spread in our church family so we can continue worshiping together in person, we should strive to do these things as much as we are able. We also want to remind everyone that the 9:30 service still has plenty of room for you and your family to join us while best maintaining social distancing. Thank you for your help and understanding as we strive to keep the people we love as safe as possible. For additional information on HHBC’s response to Covid-19 go to

Praising God with you,

Dr. Josh Carter

Senior Pastor

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